
Monday, February 25, 2013

Upgrading the Customs area inspection at Tijuana (finally!)

The border crossing at Tijuana and San Ysidro is truly a sight to behold. It is currently the busiest land crossing between any two countries anywhere on the planet! Hundreds of thousands of cars and pedestrians cross between Mexico and America every week. There are over 30 lanes of traffic at the customs and border patrol gates, and yet the lines still stretch for miles. The foot-traffic isn’t any better either. On any given day, a massive line of weary travelers snakes through the streets of Tijuana.

Stem cell technology and dentistry

One of the most exciting developments in the world dentistry in the past several decades is the promise of stem cells and their ability to replace missing and damaged teeth. Because teeth are readily accessible and treating them doesn’t require invasive surgery like other body parts, they are an excellent candidate for stem therapy, and will likely be the first implementation of stem cell technology.

Dental infections associated with heart disease, stroke

Many patients put off dental work for as long as possible, until they can no longer tolerate the pain. The do this for many reasons, usually at the top of the list is financial hardship and lack of dental insurance. At our Mexico dental clinic, we see many patients with major infections that are in severe pain. Because they can no longer tolerate the pain, our Mexican dentists are often their only option for treatment. It is important to understand that delaying treatment of an infected tooth can lead to more severe medical problems.

Pharmacies in Tijuana, Mexico

One of the biggest counterparts to the Mexico dentist industry is the pharmacy industry in Tijuana, and other cities throughout Mexico. For decades, US citizens have been crossing into Mexico for discounted medications and medications that may not be available in the US. This is a time-worn practice that has led to mixed reviews by media outlets and government institutions. Is is important to understand that there are many reputable pharmacies in Mexico that do dispense safe and effective medications. There are a few bad seeds, but there are easy to avoid.

Quickly crossing the Tijuana border after dental work

The border at Tijuana and San Ysidro is the busiest land crossing anywhere on the planet. Everyday, hundreds of thousands of vehicles pass through this port. There are over 30 lanes of traffic. It is truly a sight to behold! The hustle and bustle of this gargantuan display of international commerce speaks to the strength of the Mexico dental tourism industry.

Dental laboratory in Tijuana

A dental laboratory is the place that fabricates your final restoration, in the case of dental dental crowns and veneers. It is the technician at the laboratory that ultimately determines the final look of your smile, not your dentist. Your dentist will make notations on the work order pertaining to size, shape and color, but the dentist themselves will not create the final product that will be visible when you smile.

Dental extractions should be a last resort

We see many patients at our Tijuana dentist office in a great deal of pain or discomfort. Sometimes they are eager to have the teeth causing them extracted as soon as possible. This can be a natural instinct, especially when the patient has been in severe pain for a long time.

Mexican dentists English skills

One major concern one might have about being treated by a Mexican dentist is communication. It is obviously vital that there be good communication between any healthcare providers and their patients. In Mexico, like any other developed nation, there is a huge emphasis on learning English from a very early age, as it is fast becoming the globally accepted common language for business. Dentists in Mexico have an especially strong interest in mastering English, as a large percentage of their most lucrative clients will be English speakers. In fact, you’d have a harder time finding a Mexican dentist that doesn’t speak English fluently, rather than one that does. The Tijuana dentists close to the border spend day after day speaking the English language. They have mastered all the communication necessary between a dentist and patient, and even have most of the colloquial and slang language down. Many patients are surprised when they discover that not only does their Mexican dentist articulate their treatment plan clearly, but also finds opportunities to joke with them and connect on a personal level. Most Mexican dentists have a warmth and openness that many dental tourists may realize is missing from their dentist at home. Through the English language, and some earnest Spanglish on the part of some of the more multi-cultural patients, dentists and patients are able to connect and communicate in this bustling city of Tijuana, which more and more is built upon open international commerce between the two countries.

America’s Finest City

San Diego is referred to as America’s Finest City for a reason. San Diego combines the skyline and infrastructure of a big city with the laid-back and carefree attitude associated with the sleepy beach towns that dot California’s southern coast. The streets are immaculate, and the city boasts one of the lowest crime rates of any major city. The weather is as near to perfect as you’ll find anywhere. Sunshine floods the streets year round, and the city isn’t plagued by the hurricanes and other major weather events that periodically befall other sunny havens like Florida.

Only Mexican Dentists are Allowed to Practice

Just to clarify an issue that came up with a patient recently. She had taken a relatively long flight to have her teeth treated in Tijuana. She had done all diligent planning, and was proactive about her treatment. But she became upset when she got to Tijuana, and realized that it wouldn’t be an American dentist working on her. She was under the impression that because she had made all her arrangements and spoke with an American patient coordinator, that she would also have her dental treatments performed by an American. This is not the case. The Mexican government only allows Mexican dentists to practice in the country. This is because they see any foreign dentistry practice as having a negative impact on job creation for Mexican citizens, and an overall negative affect on the economy, as foreign dentists would likely send much of their earnings oversees. There are very few exceptions to this rule. So just to clarify, by travelling to Mexico for less expensive dental work, you will almost certainly be treated by a Mexican dentist that has been educated in Mexico. The last thing we want is for somebody to make a long journey only to feel that they have been mislead.
But also to be clear, just because all of the local dentists are Mexican doesn’t mean their education has been limited entirely to Mexican institutions. Our dentists have attended many continuing education courses and seminars outside the country at some of the most respected institutions in the world, including those in the United States.  Some have even completed their general dentistry degrees in the United States, but for various reasons cannot practice in America, and have brought their knowledge and expertise to dental clinics in Mexico.