
Monday, February 25, 2013

Quickly crossing the Tijuana border after dental work

The border at Tijuana and San Ysidro is the busiest land crossing anywhere on the planet. Everyday, hundreds of thousands of vehicles pass through this port. There are over 30 lanes of traffic. It is truly a sight to behold! The hustle and bustle of this gargantuan display of international commerce speaks to the strength of the Mexico dental tourism industry.

The downside to all this activity is wait times. On busy days, you can expect wait times of over 3 hours. These wait times dramatically decrease in the evening and nighttime hours. But most dental patients in Tijuana want to get back over the border as soon as possible after their dental treatment. I personally have been in a situation where I had to stand in line for over 3 hours as the Novocaine began to wear off after multiple root canal treatments. I was in moderate to extreme discomfort, and I was utterly exhausted from the long hours of travel and time in the dentist’s chair. The wait time seemed to stretch into eternity as I stood there and the line barely seemed to inch forward at all.

Luckily, I discovered a practice that has become fairly common at the border. Tour buses use a special lane that is immediately adjacent to the pedestrian line. These tour buses have to wait in the vehicle traffic just like anyone, and sometimes spend hours waiting before they can drop their customers off at customs for inspection. But enterprising employees of these companies learned that they could sell seats on buses that were already close to approaching the customs area. In effect, you can pay to board a bus that is only minutes away from customs, thereby cutting your wait time from hours to minutes. Typically, these seats cost $5 dollars. These buses are not always air conditioned and may be relatively crowded, but you will only be in them for a very short time.

One downside a lot of people see to this practice is the perceived scorn from other pedestrians that are waiting in line. Some people may feel guilty for “cutting in line”. But this practice is much different from cutting, because you are using a separate line that will not negatively affect the wait times of other pedestrians. Also, this practice is allowed by American customs. Each time these buses take on a new passenger, American customs are watching to make sure that the bus is not being over packed, and not being loaded with suspicious cargo or passengers.

Once the bus reaches the customs area, you will step into the building through a side door, and typically wait in a line of less than 10 people before speaking to an agent. After you are waived through, you will be on the American side on your own, as the $5 fare does not include any travel beyond the checkpoint.

1 comment:

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